Contextualized Computing and Ambient Intelligent Systems

Kontextsensitive und Ambient Intelligente Systeme

Achtung: Dies sind die Materialien zur Veranstaltung im Sommersemester 2018, nicht die zur aktuellen Veranstaltung. Neuere Materialien finden sich ausschließlich im LearnWeb der Uni Hildesheim.

Beware: on this page, you find material for the summer term 2018, not the current installment of this course. Newer course material can be found exclusively in the LearnWeb of the University of Hildesheim.

Handouts, Slides

To be published after the lectures.

Folien und Handouts werden jeweils nach den Vorlesungsterminen veröffentlicht.

  • Overview
    Rules and regulations, learning outcomes, literature.
    [ Handout | Slides ]
  • Introduction
    Mediality, Codality & Modality; Ubiquitous Computing; Ambient Systems; Context; Descriptive Framework; Research Systems.
    Updated 17.04.2018
    (09.04.2018, 16.04.2018)
    [ Handout | Slides ]
  • Creation
    Topics & Challenges, Designing Systems, Implementing Systems, Evaluating Systems.
    [ Handout | Slides ]
  • Trust
    Trust, Confidence, Familiarity; Explanations, Context.
    (04.06.2018, 11.06.2018, 18.06.2018)
    [ Handout | Slides ]
  • Summary
    Photos of the remarks written on the whiteboard during discussion of required readings can be found in the learnweb.
    (02.07.2018, 09.07.2018)
    [ Handout | Slides ]


Course readings can be downloaded in the learnweb. Every text has a wiki-page in the learnweb, please use to describe and summarize the text and link it to the course. Results of the discussion may also be written up in the learnweb.

Other deliverables can usually either be submitted through the Learnweb or presented in the course. There will be no compulsory assignments, but the content of assignments will be relevant for the exam.

Learnweb-submissions are usually to be in PDF-format:

  • txt is OK for text only or code
  • SVG, PNG and JPG is OK for images
  • mp3, wav and ogg is OK for audio
  • mp4 is OK for video
  • No files from word processors or graphic programs, please (doc, docx, odt) &emdash; those will not be marked
  • You can submit acceptable file types also in zip, gz, bz2, xz or rar archives

Only homework assignments will be listed here, group work assignments to be discussed during class can be found in the respective slide deck or handout.

2.1: Required Reading Week 1

  • Weiser, M. (1991). The computer for the 21st century. Scientific American, September 1991, 94-104.
    To be discussed 23.04.18.

2.2: Collecting Examples

  • For two weeks, you should collect interesting examples of ambient or contextualised systems you come across
  • You should use the framework introduced to describe the different Examples
  • You should be able to present one or two examples of Examples
    • Classification according to the framework
    • Shortfalls of the framework
  • Deliverable:
    • Monday, 23.4., 18:00, LearnWeb
    • Monday, 23.4., in the course

2.5: Required Reading Week 2

  • Aarts, E., R. Harwig, and M. Schuurmans. 2001. Ambient Intelligence. In The Invisible Future: The Seamless Integration of Technology into Everyday Life, ed. P. J. Denning, pp 235-250. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies.
    To be discussed 30.04.18.

3.1: Required Reading Week 3

  • Dourish, Paul, and Ken Anderson. Collective information practice: exploring privacy and security as social and cultural phenomena. Human-computer interaction 21.3 (2006): 319-342.
    To be discussed 07.05.18.

3.2: Required Reading Week 4

  • Dourish, Paul. What we talk about when we talk about context. Personal and ubiquitous computing 8, no. 1 (2004): 19-30.
    To be discussed 14.05.18.

3.3: Required Reading Week 5

  • Tom Geller: How Do You Feel? Your Computer Knows. Communications of the ACM Vol. 57 No. 1., pp. 24-26. Jan. 2014
  • Rosalind W. Picard: Affective Computing. MIT Technical Reports – TR 321. Nov. 1995
    To be discussed 28.05.18.

3.5: New Lab Room

  • Form groups of 3-6
  • Develop the outline of a project idea to change A120 into a room you would like to use:
    • Today, traditional computer lab
    • How to change it?
      • Interior decor
      • Furniture
      • Technology
    • Possible technologies:
      • Tab, Pads & Boards
      • Behavioural interfaces
      • Natural language processing
  • Pitch your idea in the course

3.6: Required Reading Week 6

  • Davies, N., & Gellersen, H. W. (2002). Beyond prototypes: Challenges in deploying ubiquitous systems. IEEE Pervasive computing, 1(1), 26-35.
  • Hansen, T. R., Bardram, J. E., & Soegaard, M. (2006). Moving out of the lab: Deploying pervasive technologies in a hospital. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 5(3), 24-31.
    To be discussed 04.06.18.

4.1: Required Reading Week 7

  • Abowd, Gregory D., Elizabeth D. Mynatt, and Tom Rodden. The human experience IEEE pervasive computing 1.1 (2002): 48-57.
    To be discussed 11.06.18.

4.2: Required Reading Week 8

  • De Ruyter, Boris, and Emile Aarts. Experience research: a methodology for developing human-centered interfaces. In Handbook of ambient intelligence and smart environments, pp. 1039-1067. Springer, Boston, MA, 2010.
    To be discussed 18.06.18.

4.4: Required Reading Week 9

  • Palmer, Scott, and Sita Popat. Dancing in the Streets: The sensuous manifold as a concept for designing experience. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media 2, no. 3 (2007): 297-314.
  • Cheok, Adrian David, Kok Hwee Goh, Wei Liu, Farzam Farbiz, Siew Wan Fong, Sze Lee Teo, Yu Li, and Xubo Yang. Human Pacman: a mobile, wide-area entertainment system based on physical, social, and ubiquitous computing. Personal and ubiquitous computing 8, no. 2 (2004): 71-81.
  • Lantz, Frank: PacManhattan. In: Montola, M., Stenros, J., & Waern, A. (2009). Pervasive games: theory and design. CRC Press.
    To be discussed 25.06.18.
  • Further examples (recommended reading)
    • Montola & Stenros: Killer: The Game of Assassination
    • Stenros & Montola: Momentum
    • Stenros & Montola: Epidemic Menace
    • Ballagas & Walz: REXplorer
    • (All in: Montola, M., Stenros, J., & Waern, A. (2009). Pervasive games: theory and design. CRC Press.)

4.5: Required Reading Week 10

  • Dourish, P., & Bell, G. (2014). Resistance is futile: reading science fiction alongside ubiquitous computing. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 18(4), 769-778.
    To be discussed 02.07.18.

Last modified: Friday, 2024-05-17 15:40 UTC.