Data and Process Visualization

Achtung: Dies sind die Materialien zur Veranstaltung im Sommersemester 2017, nicht die zur aktuellen Veranstaltung. Neuere Materialien finden sich ausschließlich im LearnWeb der Uni Hildesheim.

Beware: on this page, you find material for the summer term 2017, not the current installment of this course. Newer course material can be found exclusively in the LearnWeb of the University of Hildesheim.

Handouts, Slides

Downloads marked ODL contain the handout set with the OpenDyslexic font. The content is identical to the regular handout.

  • Overview
    Rules and regulations, learning outcomes, literature.
    [ Handout | ODL | Slides ]
  • Introduction
    Introduction to the course, history, (visual) semiotics, classification framework.
    [ Handout | ODL | Slides ]
  • Recap
    Recap: history, (visual) semiotics, classification framework; framework: examples.
    [ Handout | ODL | Slides ]
  • Perception
    Perception: foundations, luminosity, contrast, colour, attention, grouping.
    (24.04.2017, 08.05.2017)
    [ Handout | ODL | Slides ]
  • Data
    Communicate, Aspects of Data, Using Data.
    (15.05.2017, 22.05.2017)
    [ Handout | ODL | Slides ]
  • Tools
    Tools for Visualization (work in progress).
    Last updated: 18.06.2017, 21:10.
    [ Handout | ODL | Slides ]
  • Representation
    Components, Example.
    (29.05.2017, 12.06.2017)
    [ Handout | ODL | Slides ]
  • Design Options
    Representation, Presentation.
    (19.06.2017, 26.06.2017)
    [ Handout | ODL | Slides ]
  • Taxonomy
    [ Handout | ODL | Slides ]
  • Summary
    [ Handout | ODL | Slides ]


Deliverables can usually either be delivered through the Learnweb or presented in the course. There will be no compulsory assignments, but the content of assignments will be relevant for the exam.

Learnweb-submissions are usually to be in PDF-format:

  • txt is OK for text only or code
  • SVG, PNG and JPG is OK for images
  • mp3, wav and ogg is OK for audio
  • mp4 is OK for video
  • No files from word processors or graphic programs, please (doc, docx, odt) &emdash; those will not be marked
  • You can deliver zip, gz, bz2, xz or rar archives

Only homework assignments will be listed here, group work assignments to be discussed during class can be found in the respective slide deck or handout.

2.2: Collecting Visualizations

  • For two weeks, you should collect interesting Visualizations you come across
  • You should use the framework introduced to describe the different visualizations
  • You should be able to present one or two examples of visualizations
    • Classification according to the framework
    • Shortfalls of the framework
  • Deliverable:
    • Monday, 24.4., 18:00, LearnWeb
    • Monday, 24.4., in the course

2.3: Preparing Visualizations

  • In the course of a normal day, make notes of examples in which data is represented visually, aurally or by tactile means
  • Afterwards, identify whether, for each example, the data has value (numeric, ordinal or categorical) or is a relation
  • Sketch a possible visualization for this data
    • Classification according to the framework
    • Shortfalls of the framework
  • Deliverable:
    • Monday, 24.4., 18:00, LearnWeb
    • Monday, 24.4., in the course

5.1: Visualization Process

  • Analyze the different process models
    • Find commonalities and differences
  • What role do human aspects play?
  • Come up with a unified process model that fits your work flow
  • Deliverable:
    • Monday, 26.6., 18:00, learnweb
    • Monday, 26.6., in the course

Last modified: Friday, 2024-05-17 15:50 UTC.